“Sociedad Pro Artes del Movimiento” aims to promote the study, teaching, production and diffusion of movement arts in all their variety, techniques and styles with a special focus on their typically Argentinean manifestations.


• To support and create schools or companies devoted to the movement arts.

• To develop teaching programmes for the movement arts.

• To develop research and cultural appraisal programmes and collect information on the movement arts.

• To promote production, exhibition and diffusion possibilities for the movement arts.

• To negotiate and co-operate with private or public, national or international institutions who are committed to the social goals of our organisation.

• To create a scholarship scheme for talented students of the movement arts.

• To assist students seeking to improve their skills in various disciplines of the movement arts by scholarships or exchange programmes with private or public, national or international institutions.

• To encourage the international diffusion of the movement arts especially those related to Argentine culture (tango and folkloric dances) by teaching and exchange programmes.


• General Director: Prof. Norma Raimondi
• Executive Director: Prof. Claudio Piatti
• Production and Logistics: Ximena Romero
• Public Relations: Ayelén Quiroga


Enfermera Clermont 254, Bº Alto Alberdi,
(5000) CÓRDOBA




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